16 June 2021
West Yorkshire Prepared statement following PM’s announcement on final stages of roadmap
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday (14 June) regarding the delay in the easing of restrictions due to take place next week, West Yorkshire’s Local Resilience Forum is appealing to people in West Yorkshire to please continue doing all they can to prevent the spread of infection, bring the case rates down and protect each other:
“While Monday’s announcement may be disappointing to many, it is sensible to take caution as the final restrictions are lifted. Infection rates continue to rise across our region and are very high compared to other parts of the country.
The Delta variant, which is more transmissible than the previous variant, is now the dominant strain in our region. According to the latest Government data (coronavirus.data.gov.uk) all but one Local Authority areas in West Yorkshire has a case rate above 120 per 100,000. Wakefield has a rate of 85 per 100,000 with infections continuing to rise. Rates have more than doubled across all areas since mid-May and are higher than both the regional (74/100k) and national (67/100k) average.
Evidence suggests the vaccine is effective against the new variant, so we would strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to get both doses of the vaccine when invited, as this will provide more than 90% protection against hospital treatment for illness caused by the Delta variant. In the meantime, there are measures you can continue to follow to reduce the risk of infection, to protect yourself and your family:
- Continue to social distance from those outside your household/support bubble and avoid face to face contact where possible.
- Minimise the number of people you come into close contact with and when you do meet with others, try to meet outdoors.
- Reduce the time spent in crowded areas where it may be difficult to socially distance.
- If you have symptoms, get a PCR test and stay at home.
- Continue to wear a face covering where necessary and wash your hands frequently.
- Continue to work from home, if you’re able to.
As an LRF, our priority continues to be the safety of our region – in schools, workplaces, communities and on public transport. The majority of people in West Yorkshire have put a huge amount of effort into reducing infection rates and keeping each other safe throughout this pandemic, and we must ensure this continues if we have any hope of returning to some kind of normality.”
For reliable, up to date information on Covid-19, please visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus or www.nhs.uk/coronavirus. To keep up to date with West Yorkshire Prepared, please visit www.westyorkshireprepared.org.uk or follow us on Facebook (@WYPrepared) or Twitter (@WYRForum).